Frequently Asked Questions


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A Langmuir probe consists of a metallic conductor (spherical/planar/cylindrical) electrically biased with respect to a reference electrode to collect electron and/or positive ions from the ambient medium and generates currents.


ChaSTE stands for Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment. ChaSTE is a payload onboard Chandrayaan-3 Lander.


Seismic signals are ground vibrations generated by seismic activities. These are recorded by instruments called seismometers. They are of various types – long period, short period and broad band. These instruments provide the recorded data as ground acceleration, velocity or displacement.


The ‘Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)’ is one of the OES (optical emission spectroscopy) techniques, in which a high-irradiance laser beam ablates the sample surface and produces an intense plasma plume. The optical emission from the plasma plume is spectrally resolved to investigate the elemental composition of the target sample.


Energies of fluorescence lines of each element are different. By examining the spectrum, peak energies of the lines can be found and by comparing them against the atomic line lists, elements present can be identified.


For each level of product there is corresponding XML label file. We can deduce basic information like datatype, no. of lines and no. of samples.


For each level of product there is corresponding XML label file. We can deduce basic information like datatype, no. of lines and no. of samples.

For each level of product there is corresponding XML label file. We can deduce basic information like datatype, no. of lines and no. of samples.


The user is expected to have a working knowledge of the SPICE Toolkit since all data in the dataset is in form of SPICE kernels.