
  1. The users will make available to the scientific community the salient results of the data analysis through publication in appropriate journals.
  2. When publishing a paper using the Chandrayaan-II data, please
    1. mention on “Chandrayaan-II” in abstract and
    2. include the following statement in acknowledgement - "We acknowledge the use of data from the Chandrayaan-II, second lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), archived at the Indian Space Science Data Centre (ISSDC)". Download
  3. If you are using the results of Chandrayaan-II which are already published and carrying out further interpretation or modeling, please include the following statement in acknowledgement – "The research is based partially / to a significant extent (whichever is applicable) on the results obtained from the Chandrayaan-II, second lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), archived at the Indian Space Science Data Centre (ISSDC)". Download
  4. ISRO reserves the right to use the published results in its reports and publications with due reference to the publication. If the reports or publications are copyrighted, ISRO will have a royalty-free right under the copyright to reproduce, distribute and use the copyrighted works for their purposes.
  5. Any print of the data/ data products supplied by ISRO should carry the mark "© reserved ISRO" mark in legible letters.